While browsing for video clips on Youtube recently, i came across this new trailer.. 2012. It's a new movie from Roland Emmerich. Yup, the guy who knows how to destroy our blue planet( ID4 & The Day After Tomorrow ). The movie is based on Mayan prophercy that said the world will end in 2012. Oh, really? Well, tu kepercayaan diorang. Kita sebagai orang Islam takleh percaya benda2 camtu pasal kita memang tak tau bila dunia akan kiamat. Even Nabi Muhammad( Saw ) pun tak tau. Yang kita tau hanyalah petanda2 kecil & besar berdasarkan Al-Quran. Tu ja. But this is just another movie. Propaganda "orang putih", haha. Check out the trailer.
Kalu nak ikut style Hollywood, the world will ends in many ways. Outbreak, alien invasion, zombie, flood.. Dah banyak sangat movie pasal ni diorang buat. Ok, jom kita buat kategori.
Haa.. ni adalah favourite aku. Zombie tu kira aftermath outbreak/virus la. Contoh.. 28 Days Later, Dawn Of The Dead( remake ) & I Am Legend. 3 movie tu bagi aku antara yang paling best dalam kategori ni. Ada lagi movie lain cam Resident Evil( all 3 ), Doomsday.. tapi kureng skit. 28 Days Later & I Am Legend lebih focus pada camna survivor nak survive, bina semula masyarakat & pada masa yang sama nak cure outbreak/virus tu. Dawn Of The Dead is a straight lets-eat-human zombie movie.
"When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth".
Resident Evil was based on video games. So what do you expect right? But the 1st movie not bad at all. Doomsday plak.. mula2 ok. Tapi pas DDS Team masuk Glasgow.. aku dah rasa movie tu cam rip-off Escape From New York plak. Don't get me wrong, Escape From New York is a classic. Snake Plissken is the man, haha. Ada banyak lagi movie dalam kategori ni. Tapi ni ja la yang aku bleh review/discuss skit.
Yang ni memang back-up subject Hollywood 1 ketika dulu. Tadak idea ja, buat movie pasal alien. Haha. ID4, Mars Attack!.. Tapi antara yang aku suka ialah War Of The Worlds. ID4 memang ngarut sangat( actually suma tu memang ngarut pun, haha ). War Of The Worlds ni nampak skit "tension" tu. Dah cam tadak hope. Manusia senang2 ja kena blasah.
Aku rasa ni la favourite subject Hollywood. Maybe pasal senang nak buat kot( kot la ).
"Ok, lets destroy the earth.. again".
Buat ja segala mala-petaka-bencana-alam ngan sfx. Then you got yourself a disaster movie, haha. Armageddon, Deep Impact, The Day After Tomorrow.. just to name a few. Tapi aku suka Waterworld. Time tu Kevin Costner pun memang tengah top. Movie ni tadak la hebat sangat. Tapi somehow aku suka idea dia. Cam Mad Max tapi versi dalam air, haha.
Late Night with the Devil
8 months ago
Cool movies!
I see that you're a great 'movie-buff' as well!
tq bro. suma tu fav aku, hehe. aa.. later nak review fanboys plak. yeah! :D
Hg dah tgk ka Fanboys? dah ada keluar DVD ker?
last 2 weeks aku balik kg. so beli kat aloq setaq la, haha. ahad lepas pi amcorp ada gak. boyak beli.
memang btui2 geek movie la bro. wajib tengok! :D
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