Friday, October 02, 2009


Ni adalah dari siri Spiderman Classics: Heroes & Villains keluaran Hasbro. But there's nothing new or improved since they reused( again ) the Toy Biz mold. Actually this one 1st came out in the Sinister Six boxset( Toy Biz ).




Close up. Mata cam Venom McGargan( sila rujuk review yang lepas ya ) gak. A bit silverish. Body pun ada cam kilat2/sparkling skit.

Why i like Marvel Legends( Toy Biz mold of course ).. finger articulations! Check it out. :D

Toe articulation.

Accessories: 2 web-trap. Bleh lilit/ikat kat badan Spiderman. Bleh la. At least something kan?

Mari membelasah Spiderman.

Tag team with Venom. Warghh!!

Overall Carnage memang best. High play value. If you collect Spiderman, than this one is a must. But actually i prefer the one from Spiderman Classics series 8. This one the mouth is a bit gummy/slimy. Yang lagi 1 nampak gigi/taring. Ganas skit, haha. Tapi yang ni pun dah puas hati. :)


The Rebel said...

Nice haul bro! Teringat aku kat game SEGA zaman 90an dulu....Maximum Carnage!!! Layan!!!!!!!

darthmental said...

haha, btui tu bro. zaman tu aku layan kat arcade.

ahh.. comic max carnage pun aku tak abih baca lagi. banyak skip, hehe. :P